girl relaxing under weighted blanket on sofa
weighted blanket lifestyle photography
close up of cozy blanket texture
girl touching soft blanket
girl with eye mask in a deep sleep
girl with eye mask relaxed
girl journaling in bed with therapy blanket
girl having tea in bed and a calming morning
girl reading in the bed with anti anxiety weighted blanket
man wrapped in blanket on sofa
sleepy girl under weighted blanket

My Calm Blanket

My Calm Blanket provides high quality, luxury weighted blankets which help calm anxiety, particularly during sleep. My Calm Blankets are made from breathable, washable materials and are offered in a range of weights to encourage Deep Touch Pressure Stimulation, which triggers a calming, relaxing effect.

For this shoot, we chose an environment full of rich tones and textures to compliment the plush, luxurious feel of the product and evoke a sense of cool relaxation. We selected models who were representative of My Calm Blanket’s target audience and who felt approachable and natural. Each shot feels naturally styled and candid in nature, creating a sense of invitation into a personal moment of respite and relaxation.

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